Hearing loss is something that can occur gradually from aging, or suddenly from trauma or high levels of noise exposure. Typically, however, hearing loss is something that can be easily addressed once it is identified. Unfortunately, many people put off visiting an audiologist or taking control of their hearing health because of unfounded myths surrounding the condition. Ensure you get treatment for your hearing loss – and the right way – by reading these five common myths we’ve debunked.

1. Only Older People Lose their Hearing

It’s true that you can lose your hearing as you get older. But you can also lose it at any age and getting older doesn’t guarantee hearing loss. In fact, only a third of the total number of people with hearing loss are over 65 years of age. So, you can expect some hearing loss as you age, but you may not lose it to the point of requiring a hearing aid. On the other hand, you might experience hearing loss while you are young. Either as the result of an injury, a genetic disorder or from exposing your ears to loud sounds for extended periods. Such as music or shooting.

2. Hearing Aids Restore Your Hearing

Hearing aids are a massive help when it comes to sound perception. But they cannot fully restore your hearing. Because of your individual and specific abilities to hear certain frequencies, an audiologist will program your hearing aids based on your hearing test results. This will enable you to hone in and better hear and process sounds you have been struggling with.

3. You Can’t Prevent Hearing Loss

Most people assume they will lose some of their hearing as they age and therefore don’t take ear care into consideration. However, while age-related hearing loss is possible, you can prevent almost all of it if you look after your ears. Typical ear damage includes the following:

• Listen to music and audio at lower volumes when wearing headphones.
• Use earplugs and ear protection to dampen sounds in very loud environments.
• Avoid using cotton swabs to clean your ear canal. This can cause irritation or even worsen an impaction.
• Thoroughly dry your ears after bathing and showering or use Vaseline to protect them.
• Go out of your way to relax and reduce stress which can cause or exacerbate tinnitus.

Like any other part of your body, your ears and hearing require you to look after them. If you limit your exposure to loud sounds and prevent anything from entering your ears, you can avoid most hearing loss. However, some hearing loss is genetic or the result of conditions.

4. Hearing Aids Aren’t Needed for Partial Deafness

Throughout your life, you might lose the ability to hear specific frequencies. But you might shrug it off because it’s only a few. However, even low-level hearing loss can negatively impact your life and your work. This can manifest in mental health issues, social anxiety and impaired cognitive functions. The good news is that, with treatment, you can train your brain to learn how to hear again with the help of a hearing device. Additionally, any reputable audiologist will help you adjust to regaining any lost hearing with advice and guidance as you readjust your life.

5. You Will Know if You Lose Your Hearing

This is a big one. Almost everyone thinks they will know if they have lost their hearing to some degree. However, most hearing loss is gradual and you lose it bit by bit. So, over time, you don’t notice you have lost any hearing until there are clear signs that something is wrong. Kind of like cooking a frog in cold water and turning up the temperature. Common signs that you have lost hearing include losing a conversation, having to turn up the TV and noticing that people are having to shout your name to get your attention. But it’s not too late to get help.

How We Can Help You

You can get all the help you need by booking yourself an appointment with an audiologist if you think your hearing is declining. An audiologist will perform any tests necessary and advise treatment following your results. At Audiology Associates, we have a dedicated team of expert staff to provide capable care and treatment. Additionally, we can also advise you about hearing aids and book you for a fitting. To learn more about what services we offer, give our team a call at 573-332-7000.